im getting the following message " Device '/dev/snd/hda-codec-hdmi' is already in use."
i'm looking into it.
I'm not really sure what it does, but the I-Lock screen is really cool
I just like it
looks like the "ltc2938" module is not an officially supported one. you can report this bug.
what is that?
i'll need this info, when you submit the bug report: ls -l /dev/snd/hwC0D0 | grep ^d
tomreyn, this is the model
hwC0D0 /dev/snd/hwC0D0
tomreyn, this is the error
idefix: looks like you have a general kernel bug, but that would make your system unbootable
tomreyn, but I can still connect to the internet with the wired connection!
idefix: does your system suspend when the usb keyboard is connected?
as soon as I turn it on
this is one of the bugs you reported
you said you had a general kernel bug, but this is about the ltc2938 driver
and i can't find a bug report for that driver
seems this driver is not well maintained for linux
what kernel version is this, please?
uname -r
which ubuntu release are you running?
oops I already removed it, and reinstalled it without -f
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